Procrastination - The practice of carrying out less urgent
tasks in preference to more urgent ones, or doing more pleasurable things in
place of less pleasurable ones, and thus putting off impending tasks to a later
time. According to Freud, the pleasure principle may be responsible for
procrastination; humans prefer to avoid negative emotions, and to delay
stressful tasks. The belief that humans work best under pressure provides an
additional incentive to postponement of tasks. Some psychologists cite such
behavior as a mechanism for coping with the anxiety associated with starting or
completing any task or decision. Other psychologists indicate that anxiety is
just as likely to get people to start working early as late and the focus
should be impulsiveness. That is, anxiety will cause people to delay only if
they are impulsive.

Well the answer is at the begining of the post. And it is
not a very recent issue as you can see, it existed before technology coud be
blamed for the number of distractions it offers to our brain.
I chose to write about procrastination because at the moment
I am actually procrastinating by writing about procrastination and I tought
that this is a beautiful example and opportunity. I hate procrastination but I
also love the amount of information I stuff into my head when last minute panic
kicks in. So why do our brains function well when afraid and why we can't get
them started when we need them to. It's not like by being afraid of an exam or
our boss threatenes our life, right?
Wrong! And not because there any real danger but because your
brain is very very very old. Well not actually your brain, don't take me so
literaly, the DNA that makes your brain what it is today. So why is that a
problem, it's not like it's outdated just like your Iphone 5 gets when Iphone
5s comes in with that fancy fingerprint technology? Well it's exactly like
that. When we were CAVE MEN, not that long go (you may think it was
because people tend to picture cave men running a
long with dinosaurs, but actually
dinosaurs were extinct 65 milion years before the human race even emerged) our brains strived to keep us alive before we could call ourselves modern in any way. Actually humans, anatomically modern humans appeared in Africa, 200.000 years
ago and reached behavioral modernity about 50.000 years ago. It took them
150.000 years to learn how to start a fire and make the wheel we all know and love.
At that time they were fighting all sorts of creatures and
their instincts had to be very sharp to survive, they had to know when to run
from danger and when to stay and fight. Most of the time they ran
and starved a while but better alive and a little hungry than dead under a mammoth foot.
So Man went on hunting and feeding himself and his family for generations and
generations to follow. When finally evolved enough to speak we could insult, annoy but most important, kill one another knowingly. I will not continue to
bore you with the affairs of my great great great x 10000 grandfather but I
will tell you that the human brain did it's best a huge amount of time to keep
us from being killed. Most of the things we did involved killing or being
killed so yes, our brains actually are outdated. The problem is that it took our brains 200.000 years to learn how to keep us out of danger but only in the last 500
years or so the risk of getting killed wherever you went slowly dissapeared and
today the things that scare us are the deadlines we always have, the need to do the things that require work and really really don't like work.

So let us put the pieces together. Our entire race has been
on a killing spree for most of its existence, recently we've gone sober and
there's no war, no plague, no Great Depression in our lifes so our brain has no
mortal danger to be afraid of and our day by day concerns have become the
things we are most afraid of. And what did our brain do when we were afraid of
something? He usually made you anxious (it got all your senses sharpened and
worked hard to somehow keep you alive) to give you the best chance of surviving that he could.
But your body cannot do that all the time because it exhausts it and
the vicious cyrcle is formed. Your brain knows you are afaid of your deadline
and you always wait untill last minute panic kicks in. That is the moment he
thinks you are going to die because you are making him push his limits (being
outdated, your brain doesn't know that pushing limits nowadays doesn't mean
your teacher will pull out a shotgun and put 5 holes in your chest if you don't
take the test). He does what you ask but know the connection is made, whenever
you need to learn or write a paper you will hate it because you will be
thinking about the deadline and that for you is death. So now when your parents ask you why you didn't stydy and got that bad mark tell them it's your ancestor's fault.
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